Stretch - Pyramid

Recommendations: 1-2 Sets, 20-30 Dur

Beginner Lower Back Stretching Fitness Ball Gym Home

Purpose: This exercise is used to stretch the lower back.

Benefits: This helps develop stabilizing strength in your torso and shoulders.

Lie face down on a fitness, bent at the waist. Roll your torso forward on the ball so that your hips rest on top of the ball. Your hips will be the highest point of your body. This is your starting position. Rest your hands and feet on the floor. Your arms and legs can be slightly bent or straight, depending upon the size of the ball, your flexibility, and the length of your arms and legs.

The muscles of the lower back straighten the spine. They work together with the abdominals to keep the spine upright. Good Mornings places a lot of stress on the lower back.

Step 1

Lie face down hanging on a fitness ball. Your hips will rest on top of the ball.


Lie face down on a fitness, bent at the waist. Roll your torso forward on the ball so that your hips rest on top of the ball. Your hips will be the highest point of your body. This is your starting position.

Step 2

Let your hands and feet touch the floor.


Rest your hands and feet on the floor. Your arms and legs can be slightly bent or straight, depending upon the size of the ball, your flexibility, and the length of your arms and legs.